Inicio Noticias Invitación a Seminario de la Dra. Guadalupe Estrada

Invitación a Seminario de la Dra. Guadalupe Estrada

Por schrd_admin
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El viernes 30 de agosto la Dra. Guadalupe Estrada impartirá el seminario “OBESO Perinatal Cohort: A Platform for the Study of Fetal Programming”
Se difunde invitación:

Dear Friends:

I am pleased to invite you to attend (in-person) the seminar on:

“OBESO Perinatal Cohort: A Platform for the Study of Fetal Programming”

Dr. Guadalupe Estrada
(Past Director of Research at the National Institute of Perinatology (INPer), Mexico)

Friday, August 30th

10:30 AM (Chile Time)
2:30 PM (UTC Time Zone)

Ricardo Barahona Auditorium, Academic Building
Diagonal Paraguay 265, Santiago, Chile

Dr. Estrada is a leading clinical researcher for the OBESO and PROGRESS cohorts, both projects conducted within the Mexican population and focused on the effects of overweight and obesity in pregnant women. Her research areas include:

  • Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD)
  • The First 1000 Days
  • Exposome During Pregnancy
  • Preterm Birth
  • Preeclampsia

You can also join via the connection link provided upon registration at:

It would be an honor to have your presence at this academic event.

This event is organized by the Cellular and Molecular Physiology Laboratory (CMPL), Faculty of Medicine PUC, the CMPL at the Instituto for Obesity Research (IOR), Technologico de Monterey, Mexico, the Latin American Association of Physiological Sciences (ALACF), the journal Physiological Minireviews (PMR), and Bentham Science Publisher (BSP, United Arab Emirates).

For any inquiries, please contact:

Best regards,
Professor Luis Sobrevia

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