Inicio Noticias Practical Course in Developmental Biology

Practical Course in Developmental Biology

Por schrd_admin

Invitamos a toda/os la/os socia/os a participar en el «EMBO Developmental Biology Course» que se realizará del 3 al 17 de enero de 2025 en Quintay:

Do not miss the Quintay Course !!!!
Extended Deadline: 15th August 2024.

We are happy to announce the new edition of the EMBO Developmental Biology Course.
The course is aimed for advanced graduate students and postdoctoral fellows who seek a broad view of the modern issues of Developmental Biology and consists of intensive laboratory work and lectures.

Travel fellowships will be available.
The course is an official activity of LASDB, hosted by Universidad Andres Bello and co-organized by Universidad Andres Bello and the Centro Interdisciplinario de Neurosciences de Valparaiso, Universidad de Valparaiso.

Apply here:

Twitter: @DevBioQuintay
Facebook: DevBio Course Quintay

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